Monday, July 6, 2020

Reading Activities for Children

Reading Activities for Children

As, we all know that how much reading activities plays a crucial part of our life its teach you how to speak other. Reading activities also build your vocabulary where you get a chance to learn a new word daily also you learn how to use that words while speaking to another person. Likewise some children have a problem in speaking words like ‘E’ & ‘I’ because the sound seem too similar to them. Reading activities course is built specially for the children where they try to learn new thing daily.

For example, a normal child daily 10 to 15 min in reading activities parents can see a huge difference in their child only just spend 15min. This Reading Activities course is built in such a manner that cover all topic However, the progress of the child depends on many factors such as age of the child, maturity of the child, and the dedication of the parent to spend time teaching the child. Our course also helps in improving reading s well speaking skills too where he or she gets confidence
This course will cover such topics like,

Reading activities for children 

What is Synthetic Phonics 

Read more….!!!

     How to help your child achieving reading skills 
     3 Tips on teaching your child how to read 

     Activities for children in reading 

     Best way to teach a child how to read 




You Don't Want to Miss Out on These Great Books for Reading With Your Child

These steps will help you in how to follow Reading activities.

Step 1: Ready to Read - appropriate for preschool to kindergarten children.
Step 2: Reading with some help - appropriate for preschool to grade 1 children.
Step 3: Independent reading - appropriate for children in grades 1 to 3.
Step 4: Reading Paragraphs - appropriate for children in grades 2 to 3.
Step 5: Ready for chapters - appropriate for children in grades 2 to 4.

Why Should Kids Read?

This question arrived at once in every kids mind why should we read and how it would help us because when I was a child I also get bored whenever I saw book with so many number of page. My mind always stuck at a point how much time it would take to complete. Main reason why I was not able to concentrate at that time because no one has taught me the importance of reading how it will improve your skills. Children who learn to read early become proficient readers. The more a child reads, the better he or she becomes at reading, and the more they will read. For kids who do not read, one of the reasons they do not read is possibly because they are poor readers to begin with, and they have a difficult time reading, and understanding what they are reading. This leads them to dislike reading, and avoid reading - leading to a vicious downwards cycle of being unable to develop any real reading proficiencies.



Get Pregnant Naturally,What is the Pregnancy Miracle System?

What is the Pregnancy Miracle System?
Pregnancy Miracle is a revolutionary clinically proven 5-step holistic and ancient Chinese system for getting pregnant in 60 days (Even if you're on your 30's or late 40's).

It's backed by nearly 14 years and 65,000 hours of intense research and has been developed, refined and perfected over 5 years of experimentation.

Lisa Olson, certified nutrition specialist (CNS), medical researcher, speaker and author had put together the 5-step Pregnancy Miracle system to share this important information. After struggling with her own 'unexplained 'infertility' for more than a decade and after 14 years of research, trial and error, Lisa has helped over 137,266 people worldwide to discover the key to tackling all infertility disorders, restoring hormonal balance and reproductive health by fixing the root cause of infertility and thus helping you get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby faster than you ever thought possible.
  • The proven 5- step multi-dimensional Pregnancy Miracle (TM) Success System that has helped over 137,358 women in 154 countries worldwide to eliminate almost all types of infertility and get pregnant naturally in 60 days using modern alternative medicine with unique and powerful ancient Chinese techniques.
  • The 4 things you MUST do right now before even attempting to get pregnant naturally (Skip even just ONE of these and you're decreasing your chances of getting pregnant by 92%!).
  • The top 7 worst foods you should never eat when you are struggling to get pregnant. Did you know, for example, that there is a certain beverage which can decrease your chances of conceiving by 50%?
  • SECRET#1: Discover the 1st most important element that when eliminated can virtually dissolve over 85% of all Infertility cases (and almost 98% of women do it)
  • SECRET#8: A SINGLE task you can do right now to determine EXACTLY when you ovulate so you will not miss your fertility "window"
  • 17 common household products you MUST avoid that interfere with the hormonal regulation of your reproductive system (you definitely don't want to miss this chapter!)
  • The most criminally neglected SIN that almost every woman is guilty of, which instead of reversing your infertility, weakens and destroys your body's natural ability to defend itself, thus putting your health in serious risk and making your reproductive system worse in the long run (and you're probably doing it as we speak!)
  • SECRET#11: the TRUTH about How to Get Together The Right Way: Learning WHEN and HOW to Do It to Make Sex Work to Your Advantage using ancient Chinese secrets
  • SECRET#15: Follow this easy 3-step protocol and I guarantee it will dramatically boost your partner's sperm count and motility like nothing else!

  • How to get pregnant FAST using an exclusive PROVEN technique that SHORTCUTS your way to success by turning an-ovulatory cycles into ovulatory ones. - This part alone will blow you away!).
  • SECRET#18: WARNING! don't use any makeup that contains the following ingredient. If you do so, you will be struggling to get pregnant for years (instead of conceiving 8 weeks from now)
  • SECERT#21: My Unknown fertility boosting protocol you can use immediately (as we speak) that boosts your odds of getting pregnant TODAY by 317% (You’re going to LOVE reading about this one, I know it!).
  • And so much more…
Bonus img
This program is by far the most effective and proven method to getting pregnant quickly and naturally. However, I believe in constant improvement. I will always continue to research, test and refine what I have learned to make this program even better.
In fact, in the near future I plan on offering this program only as part of a membership package including several exclusive bonus reports and special updates at a substantially higher price. Order now and you are guaranteed to get all future bonus reports for FREE for life! 
That is one of the awesome benefits of e-books. If a new edition of a hard copy book is released, you have to go to the bookstore or and buy it all over again! Not so with ebooks. When a new, updated edition of Pregnancy Miracle, is released, you get it for FREE! It's easy - I will simply contact you through my private clients-only email list and send you instant download instructions so you can stay totally up to date on the latest infertility breakthroughs.

Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program, Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Cured With Live Organism, A Healthy Solution Spikes High Blood Pressure Dangerously,

These easy throat exercises defeated the most stubborn snoring and sleep-apnea the very first night.

I couldn’t believe it.

I did these simple throat exercises for three minutes in the morning and hardly snored at all the next night.
A few nights later, my snoring was gone entirely and has never returned.
That was after being a chronic snorer for decades (you know, the kind that would almost wake up the neighbors). 
I was even diagnosed with sleep apnea (which scared the life out of me).
Anybody can do these throat exercises, no matter age or physical shape. And you need no extra gadgets.

Best of all, you can do them almost anywhere (while stuck on a red light or watching TV).
I made the following short video to explain the exercises in more detail.  They have helped thousands of people, so I hope you’ll give them a try
 “As we know now a days we are taking lot of stress due to which over body faces lots of heath issue”

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Cured With Live Organism

A Healthy Solution Spikes High Blood Pressure Dangerously

Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program

                      READ MORE .......HURRY 


Sunday, July 5, 2020

Eat the fat off|The Mystery Of "The World’s Thinnest City"

The Mystery Of "The World’s Thinnest City"

Harvard Researcher Says: "We Finally Know Why These Islanders Eat More Fatty Food Than Americans—Yet Stay Slim Well Into Their 90s... Now We Can Help Thousands Lose Weight Without Traditional Diets Or Exercise."

This Island's Secret Is A Unique Enzyme Found In Their Local Food... Now This American Doctor Has Discovered How To FORCE Your Body to Produce This Miraculous Thinning Substance

"This [thinning enzyme] involved in breaking down fat can now be manipulated to work three times harder...and opens a door to understanding and maybe curing, a wide range of diseases.
Dr. Dimitrios Stamou, Head Researcher

DID YOU KNOW?  Your body can easily burn stubborn and diet-resistant fat. How? By eating foods that when combined and eaten at night produce large amounts of this natural “thinning enzyme.”
DID YOU KNOW? We are being lied to by the mainstream media. Forget deprivation diets. They never work. Oprah is still fat. Dr. Oz was born skinny. Let’s get real. The secret for the rest of us is eating these enzyme-triggering delicious fatty foods. Let God’s natural weight loss agent do its job!
DID YOU KNOW? Combining certain delicious fatty foods makes this enzyme work—no matter where you live. These are foods that were once “forbidden”. Doctors hate this advice. Makes them feel stupid. But they can’t argue with the results. Patients look younger, thinner, and feel fantastic!
Dear Friend,
Today you can do something about your weight and your health. Something that works fastRelatively easy too. Nothing this effective is “easy”, but this is as easy as it will ever get. It’s also tasty and satisfying, using ordinary foods you can buy anywhere.
I write this letter to you today full of optimism. Optimism for your future. Our future – one where our nation returns to a healthy and active land.
However, I’ve been sitting back for decades watching people I love die of diabetes. Heart disease. Cancer.
And so many who aren’t dying are hardly living. Just getting fatter and sicker. Aging 10 years for every year they live...if you can call that living.  
This is not how God intended humankind to live...and I believe His message to you is:

"You're killing yourself slowly. Please stop."

You know it’s true. You feel it in your bones. You can see it when you look in the mirror.
Are you thin and vibrant? Or does it hurt to get out of bed every morning? Your gut hangs over your belt. Your thighs rub together. Why step on the scale? What’s the point?
You already know the truth because you see it every day…
...and it’s getting worse.
If you’re still healthy enough to read this letter consider yourself blessed. I’m about to reveal the story of a strange little enzyme. One that your body can make on its own. One that feeds on fat. One that your body has stopped producing due to some bad stuff in our Western foods and soil.
And a simple solution that, of all the crazy things, asks you to eat more fatty foods at night.
I get it. That sounds bizarre. However, you’ll see the science. You'll see the results others are experiencing. And then you can try it for yourself.
Before I share the good news, I need to introduce you to Stamatis Moraitis. You’ll see how his near-death experience accidentally sparked national interest in this enzyme…
...and accidentally started a health and weight loss revolution…

"You only have 9 months to live." 

In 1959, Stamatis Moraitis was in his mid 30’s. He was living in a beautiful community in Boynton Beach, Florida. He and his wife Simone had 3 wonderful children. A big 3-bedroom house. A successful business. They were the picture of the American dream.
  • “The Land Where Fat Vanishes.”
  • “The Island Of The Forever Thin.”
  • “The Island of Youth.”
  • “A Real-World Fantasy Island.”
The nicknames for this obscure island off the coast of Greece all center around its almost magical powers of healthhealing and vitality.
What’s important however is not where this island is but something in the island’s native foods might possibly be able to turn around your health and your life.
University of Athens cardiologist Christina Chrysohoou studied the diet and lifestyle of these islanders for years. But it wasn’t until recent research into one particular enzyme from a team far away in Denmark that this island’s mystery revealed itself...

"Their bodies produce extraordinary amounts of
a unique fat-metabolizing enzyme..."

This thinning enzyme has caught the attention of University of Copenhagen’s enzymology team. Dr. Dimitrios Stamou’s research in particular sparked national interest when their department released this statement:

"This enzyme is the key to burning fat, and it can be
manipulated to work three times harder..."

So what is it about these island foods that’s elevating this miracle enzyme naturally? And why are these weight-reducing foods so different from Western foods? Dr. Christina Chrysohoou from the University of Athens studied this island to discover the answer. She said:
“The food supply on this island is grown in native soil. The enzymatic content in their foods is much higher than in Western foods. They also enjoy foods most Americans rarely eat.”
So can we just start eating these foods ourselves? That’s a common sense question if ever there was one!
Unfortunately, Dr. Chrysohoou doesn't think so. While these are “healthy” foods, the native versions have elevated enzymatic producers thanks in part to the fertile soil specific to this island.
At that time, a new answer to solving the problems of obesity and health we face here in the West seemed to fly out the window.
However, that was five years ago...

Today we know for sure:

New research has proven that anyone can produce large
amounts of this slimming enzyme simply by eating the
delicious fatty foods I'll share with you today

This is such tremendous news if you struggle with your weight and health like so many Americans.
And it’s more than that.
I believe this could end the plague of obesity sweeping our nation. Help us ween off the drugs supplied by Big Pharma (at least most of them.) Regain our youthful zest and vitality.
This enzyme is that important. Our bodies stopped making it in large amounts decades ago. Crappy Western foods, cheap farming practices, pesticides and chemicals in our soil...the reasons why are long and a bit boring.
All that matters is you can now do something about it.
I’m not a doctor. I’m just an average Joe. But I took Dr. Stamou’s initial research and teamed up with a team of American experts. Nutritionists, medical doctors, and even a chef.
It took a few years, but we finally cracked the enzyme code. We tracked down the foods grown right here in America that, when eaten at the right time of day and combined together, produce staggering levels of this fat-burning enzyme.
It’s helped me lose over 60 pounds and regain the health I enjoyed in my youth. It gave me more mobility than I’ve had in years. It shut down my cravings for some of the bad stuff I was putting in my body.
And the best part?
I never had to leave America to get it.
You never have to leave home either. You may not even have to walk out your front door.
Before I share the good news about the fat-eating foods you need to start eating today to trigger this amazing weight-loss enzyme...fatty, delicious foods combined at just the right time to produce large amounts of this fat-eating enzyme…
...I’d like to share why I’m on this mission...

A former fat guy shakes up the
system and enrages Facebook

My name is John Rowley. Perhaps you’ve seen me recently on Fox News, CBS, ABC, in The Huffington Post, and other major media outlets.
I’ve been sharing how this thinning enzyme breakthrough is forcing medical textbooks to be rewritten. How thousands of folks are now losing weight and regaining their health by eating more fatty foods. How traditional diet approaches will never be used again...
But one talking point has me in hot water. I was a bit too honest as to why big bellies mean big business here in the Western world.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

START The ‘Slim Over 55’ Program TODAY and Lose 13Lbs Or More Each Month Until You Reach Your Ideal Weight, ALL WHILE STAYING AT HOME!

SLIM OVER 55 is THE ONLY program for women over 55 that is especially designed for your body who has gone through menopause and needs to get all the hormones back in balance!
Take the 4 secret herbs revealed inside our Weight Loss Manual, and do the easy workouts, and you'll triple your metabolism, lose over 3lbs per week, feel 20 years younger and double your energy level so that you can easily keep up with your grand kids!! ORDER NOW
I could also provide you with literally stacks of scientific, medical and nutritional research that backs-up the powerful fat-burning method used in the SLIM OVER 55 program... 
Are you still buying into the myth that once you reach the age of 55, it's imposible to reach your ideal weight or get a flat stomach?
Or that a sexy and attractive body with lots of energy is only available to movie stars, supermodels, celebrities and the ultra-rich who can afford expensive personal trainers?  
(Slim over 55 special design program for women) 

Or the only way to shrink your belly after “you reach the age of 55” is through costly and risky surgical procedures, such as tummy tucks?  
Or that having a big belly is an inevitable part of aging, and there’s nothing you can do about it?  
Or that it’s “too late” for you to slim down and look fabulous in a bikini?

Click The ADD TO CART button below and Get Your Copy Of "SLIM OVER 55" Today ONLY FOR ONLY $7 & Start Losing 13Lbs Per Month Easily!

certified personal trainer, nutritionist, author and weight loss expert for over 10 years, and has already helped over 20,000 women reach their ideal weight with her weight loss secrets.  
Last year, My Personal Trainer Magazine has awarded her the trainer of the year award because of the amazing results her clients were getting!

SLIM OVER 55 is the Only Weight Loss Program Designed For Women Over 55 To Reach Their Ideal Weight IN RECORD TIME!

The best part? 
No matter if you are 65 or 75, your health condition or your fitness level (even if you have back pain or arthritis, diabetes, hypothyroidism, heart disease or past injuries), the safe and effective Slim Over 55 Workouts allow you to begin exercising at the exact level you’re at TODAY, even if your only previous exercise has been walking to the refrigerator to make a sandwich!
You can progress to the 6th Workout, which is more advanced, only when you become stronger, more confident, and feel 100% ready.  
And you can exercise in the convenience and privacy of your own home or office, at the rate that’s most comfortable to you, with absolutely no pressure!
And unlike time-limited, expensive gym memberships, there’s no expiration date – you can continue doing the exercises in each video for the rest of your life at no additional cost, to permanently maintain your dream body
You can download all workouts from our secure website to your PC, laptop or smartphone. Then, you can even copy them to a memory stick, insert it in your smart TV and play them!